Patricia Herman lives in Whitelaw, WI and after an early retirement from nursing she pursued her interest in spinning and weaving. She began spinning fiber in 1997 in an effort to utilize her dogs prolific downy undercoat. When she had accumulated enough yarn she started weaving on a Triangle Loom using the continuous strand method of weaving. In 2002 she began teaching classes on weaving & opened her on-line business in 2007 of selling looms plus weaving & spinning supplies. Her husband Rick handcrafted all the wood items for sale. She has taught classes for area spinning guilds, fiber thing WWW, Spin-in of WI, Sheep & Wool Festival in Jefferson, WI and Midwest Fiber & Folk Fair in Crystal Lake, IL., private classes and various other venues. Patricia frequently gave spinning and weaving demonstrations at Pinecrest Historical Village in Manitowoc, WI. Her interests also include gardening, reading, knitting and caring for her dogs. She has won several awards for her weaving and use of color. She published two instructional books of Triangle Loom Weaving, Twills 'N More Volume 1 and Twills 'N More Volume 2.
Well ..... a puppy was added to the pack in Feb of 2018 with some time off weaving to work with the puppy on the house rules.
Volume 3 was progressing nicely throughout the Summer and early Fall.
Then we adopted a retired dam from a kennel - with the plan to spay her. Lo and behold she came with presents. Our new gal delivered 7 puppies and everything not related to rearing these puppies stopped. The last puppy will be going home just before New Year's Eve, so after a week to restore the house to normal, weaving on Volume 3 will continue and the book will be published in 2019.
Husband says no more dogs for a while.
Well .... an injured kitten wandered onto our property and after her surgery to remove a severely broken leg it took some time to acclimate her to living with 5 dogs.